
Our students are a bright, funny, warm, unique, and diverse group of people ages 10 to adult, in grades 5 through 12+. They come to Skyward where they feel safe and excited to come to school! They come from over 17 different school districts and 2 states! They have a variety of uniquenesses such as autism, aspergers, ADHD, cerebral palsy, specific learning issues, processing issues, cognitive issues, and others. Some stay at Skyward until graduation. Some go to college. Some go to Project Search or The Oaks, or other vocational programs. Some return to their home district for independent living programs after high school. The possibilities are many….
What Parents And Students Are Saying...
“Ms. Melissa – Have a great summer! I want to come back every year that I can (and hopefully not get in trouble one year) Thanks for starting this school…I love it here.”
“Dear Ms. Melissa, Thank you for all the help. Thanks for getting me through high school. From, H.”
“My mom was right, she said if I came here and would just try it, I wouldn’t be so stressed every day about school. She was right!”
“My son battled anxiety horribly before starting at Skyward Academy. I believe his anxiety increased as he advanced in grades. He was expected to keep the pace that the rest of the large class was doing. This made him become very anxious and he felt he was “dumb” (his words). Skyward has been a Godsend to us. He is building self confidence and he is able to go at his own pace and does not move on until he has conquered that level. The smaller classrooms and excellent staff that are truly invested in the children make a wonderful learning environment.”
“Kids here don’t mind that I am different. They didn’t fit in, either. But I can be the way I want here”
“I will always remember (how during my search) how comforting it was when we first spoke and how relieved I was to find someone who “gets it”. Your knowledge and guidance have been so valuable…I know you went out of your way for us…by working through all the challenges that came along. Hoping you are able to keep having such a meaningful impact on the lives of so many more children in the future.”
“Hey – you made something…you made a school for us!”
“I will tell you that the decision to put him in Skyward Academy is the best decision I ever made for him. I have asked him if he had a choice to go back to public with a shadow or continue at Skyward, what would he like. He without hesitation states he wants to go to Skyward Academy as long as they will let him.”
“I go to school at Skyward Academy. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we go to the gym and exercise. We type and do work on our laptops at school everyday. I’m better at reading and math since I started at Skyward. I’m glad I go to school at Skyward Academy.”
“Skyward Academy makes me happy. I like to cook at school. We made popcorn, cinnamon rolls, and trail mix. We also baked pumpkin pie and cookies. They smelled so good. At school we do projects too. We made worms, snow, and gingerbread houses. I liked it when we played math games, basketball, Wii, community bingo, and Thumball. In bingo I learned community signs. I also have learned to tell time, read, write, paint, and type. I learned to make new friends that I eat and read with at school. Our field trips to the zoo, museum, grocery store, mall, police station, and fire house were fun. I am happy when I’m at Skyward Academy.”
“There are many things to learn in Skyward Academy. I learned about making a good impression. On my computer I like to play Mangomon from math and reading program. I go to gym to burn calories. I take long walks around the community. Skyward is awesome because it is fun. Mangomon and Paragraph Punch are the two programs that I work hard on. Skyward is a rightful place for us.”
“I learned about farms in science. In math class I add or subtract. At lunchtime I eat with my friends. I read about killer creatures. In reading class I learn some new vocabulary words. I lay on bean bags during break time. Learning at Skyward is very important.”